Join us in establishing an Endowment Fund to support the Williamsport Civic Chorus in fulfilling our promise of “Music for All . . . Forever!”
The generosity of our patrons’ annual support makes our everyday existence possible. But, as every family understands, in order to continue to thrive, it takes long-range thinking and planning to keep up not only with daily needs, but to plan for a sustainable future.
- Performing annual free public concerts outside of the Chorus’s season schedule
- Compensating highly qualified professional musicians who supplement the Chorus’s concerts, to include guest conductors, accompanists and instrumental musicians
- Procuring or replacing essential equipment, such as seated risers and audio enhancement equipment
Chorus members and their families, the general public, arts support groups, philanthropic foundations, and corporate entities are humbly requested to consider contributing to our Endowment Fund. Your gifts will be invested in perpetuity, with the interest portion of the investment income used to support specific Chorus objectives and undertakings, as set out in our group’s mission statement.
The Endowment Fund creates a charitable purpose financial vehicle that is tightly supervised in accordance with federal and local tax law by, among others, fully-bonded members of the Williamsport Civic Chorus Endowment Fund Committee. And for donors, as with any contribution to a non-profit organization, preferential tax treatment is afforded to such gifts.
Please submit your donation to the Endowment Fund securely online or by downloading and mailing back the form above. For more information, please contact
Thank you for considering a gift to our Endowment Fund as we sing “Music for All . . . Forever!”